Naturopath and Iridologist providing natural health care through nutrition, herbal remedies, and lifestyle advice.

What is Naturopathy?

Naturopathy is a holistic approach to wellness employing the body’s natural innate ability to heal itself.

Natural treatments such as herbal tinctures or infusions, flower essences, tissue salts or nutritional supplements may be prescribed as well as dietary and lifestyle advice.

Natural healthcare encompasses mind, body and spirit.

"The natural force in each one of us is the greatest force in getting well".

- Hippocrates.

A sample of treatments:

Weight Management.

Thorough assessment is undertaken to identify causing factors. Treatment may include dietary and/or lifestyle recommendations, herbal formulations or nutritional supplements to address imbalances together with ongoing monitoring and mentoring to achieve results.

Sleep Disruption.

Sleep disruption occurs for many different reasons – sometimes a combination of issues. Thorough assessment is essential. Treatments may include nutritional supplements possibly together with herbal extracts, flower essences and mindfulness practices.

Joint discomfort.

Many people think they have to endure joint pain merely as part of the ageing process. There are many herbs that have anti-inflammatory effects that alleviate pain without being harmful to the body. Mineral supplementation can also be helpful.

Gut Health.

Poor gut health not only causes discomfort but also impacts on absorption of essential nutrients, which in turn may lead to the development of other symptoms. Modern research has also linked gut health with brain health, suggesting that poor gut health may be associated with such conditions as anxiety and brain fog. Thorough assessment is required to establish the right treatment. Common recommendations may include increasing fibre in the diet, appropriate probiotics or identifying and eliminating trigger foods. 

Let me guide you back to great health.

Naturopaths support the body’s own healing mechanisms
to achieve optimum health and wellbeing.